About myself

I was born and raised in Westphalia. There I had riding lessons with Hubertus Schmidt for several years before I came to Oberschwaig in 2004. Here, academic horsemanship, in addition to my training as an equine therapist, awakened my interest. In the fall of 2004 I participated for the first time (initially as a theory participant) in a course of Bent Branderup®, two further theory participations followed in 2005 and since the fall of 2005 I have been one of the regular practice participants at Oberschwaig near Ingolstadt. In the fall of 2010 I passed the heraldry test, followed by a successful lunge, hand/ground work test in October 2011 and in April 2012 I passed the knight test and in April 2016 the piaffe test. I have been a licensed Bent Branderup® trainer since 2014 and have been an annual guest at the Bent Branderup® Summer Academy in Denmark since August 2011 to exchange ideas and further my education with my colleagues. This also happens annually in January at the meeting of licensed Bent Branderup trainers as well as weekly in my home stable with my fellow trainer Claudia Strauß.
In 2013, I was fortunate to be a guest at the clinic about “Canterwork” with Bent Branderup at Marius Schneider’s place in Lüdinghausen and I also attended the clinic about “Collection” there in 2015.
Furthermore, I regularly join clinics with Christofer Dahlgren, a Master of the Academic Art of Riding, with my horses and some of my students.
In 2016 I was a part of THE NEXT GENERATION TOUR, organized by Arien Aguilar. The exchange with the team, with Arien and with Gilliane Senn (France) inspired me and enriched me personally and professionally!
In May 2019, a course with Alex Zell also took place in Oberschwaig. I was allowed to be enriched as a practice participant.
Another important part of my further education are my riding students and horses of different breeds, through them I gain further experience, learn again and again how individual each one is and can continuously train my eye and feeling.

In my lessons, I value a good, basic education. The horse should be formed and tension released, without using pressure or force to do so. A harmonic, yet consequent cooperation (basic obedience) should be sought. Riders should be reminded that it takes time to build a reliable basic. Working time should be used for gymnastic exercises only. The possibility to move and socialize should be given at the pasture.
My aim is, for my students to find and explore their own way and start thinking about the art of riding. As a teacher I want to accompany them on their journey to finding a natural relationship with their horses.
I offer mobile riding lessons, intensive lessons for weekly students, full and part time riding, seat training, relationship care between human and horse, ground work a.o. on the subject of body training/ body communication, work on the cavesson and on the lunge, work on the hand, long rein work (academic/cross over), demonstrations, online-teaching as well as weekend and daily course with theory and practical lessons.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Please call (0049)+ 176/ 21 60 04 80
or info@academic-art-of-riding.de